Why You Should Switch To Herbal Coffee Now More Than Ever

Posted by Raw Revelations on Nov 6th 2022

Why You Should Switch To Herbal Coffee Now More Than Ever

If you don't want to experience the side effects of caffeine such as jitters and headaches, it's recommended to refrain from drinking coffee.

Herbal coffee is a wonderful alternative to regular coffee if you're the kind that gets jittery or too stimulated from caffeine but still wants a jolt of energy.

In this article, we'll discuss the potential health risks associated with drinking coffee, as well as the positive effects of our own herbal coffee and the primary elements responsible for these effects.

Risky Consequences of Caffeine

We all need that extra boost of energy in the morning, and many Americans believe they just can't operate without their coffee. Although coffee has several positive health impacts, including lowering inflammatory levels, it is important to be aware of a few potential drawbacks.


Caffeine is a stimulant, and stimulants can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. The jittery feeling you get from caffeine is quite similar to the feelings you get after experiencing a terrifying incident. Caffeine is a major contributor to anxiety and can even set off an anxiety episode since it triggers the body's "fight or flight" response.


Caffeine works by blocking the adenosine receptor, which is responsible for inducing sleepiness. One of the most noticeable side effects of this stimulant is difficulty falling asleep.


If you're trying to fight fatigue by chugging coffee, you could be setting yourself up for failure. Consuming an excessive amount of coffee might disrupt sleep[1], leaving you drowsy the following day. As a result, relying on coffee to counteract the consequences of lack of sleep can become a trap in and of itself. Coffee consumption increases in response to increased fatigue; nevertheless, caffeine's disruptive effects on sleep can lead to even greater fatigue.

Increase Gut Motility

Caffeine is a stimulant, so it prompts the muscles that move food through your digestive system to contract more forcefully. The stimulation it causes may lead to diarrhea or irritable bowels, which can ultimately result in dehydration. Caffeine has modest diuretic properties, meaning it might cause one to urinate more often.


When the urge for coffee or another caffeinated beverage goes beyond a nice pick-me-up and becomes a daily requirement, people can develop a dependency on these drinks very fast. Long-term use causes a variety of chemical changes in the brain, which contributes to this effect.

Those who suddenly cut back on caffeine use after long-term dependency will experience withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Despite the negative effects on health, this is a major reason why so many people who try to cut back on coffee end up starting back up again.

What Exactly is Herbal Coffee?

Now, what exactly is herbal coffee? To begin, please know that the herbal coffee we are going to talk about is not coffee in the conventional sense.

                 herbal coffee

We make a coffee substitute that doesn't involve using actual coffee beans. In reality, it's more like a tea blend, as it contains a number of different herbs, grains, and roots. The combination of these elements creates a taste that is similar to, and in some circumstances even better than, that of a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

The acidity of coffee can aggravate symptoms of GERD, heartburn, and other gastrointestinal distress. Conversely, the low acidity of superfood coffee blends like our Coffee Fix solution has not been linked to the same discomforts. Organic components such as roasted barley, rye, chicory root, dandelion root, beetroot, ashwagandha, holy basil, Tribulus seed, licorice root, and many more are used to create our herbal coffee mix.

Advantages of Herbal Coffee

The precise advantages of herbal coffee mixes will mostly rely on the ingredients included. Take our Coffee Fix product, for instance; I'd want to go through the advantages of the components to demonstrate.

This formula contains roasted barley, rye, chicory root, dandelion root, beetroot, ashwagandha, and licorice root; all of these ingredients may contribute to a reduction in body weight.

First and foremost, the combination is naturally caffeine-free, and all of the ingredients help the liver cleanse and reduce appetite. There is already a study that shows how licorice root can aid in fat loss after just 2 months. The high fiber content of barley aids in digestion and intestinal function as well. Combined with the wide variety of nutrients that these ingredients contain, it’s easy to see why such an herbal coffee blend might be worth a try.

Natural Replacement for Coffee

Our herbal alternative is an excellent choice if you're trying to give up coffee. Our Coffee Fix is a caffeine-free alternative to coffee that tastes and smells much like the real thing owing to the addition of natural ingredients including chicory root, beetroot, roasted barley, and dandelion roots.

Even if coffee may claim to have its own dietary advantages, switching to herbal coffee today is usually a smart idea. Our herbal coffee blend is a welcome change from coffee because of the nourishing and cleansing properties of its ingredients on the liver. Have any questions about the benefits of herbal coffee and what it can do for you? Get in touch with us at 951-677-2222!