5 Amazing Mushrooms That Can Help Boost Your Immunity

Posted by Raw Revelations on Jun 20th 2023

5 Amazing Mushrooms That Can Help Boost Your Immunity

As the old saying goes, "you are what you eat." And when it comes to boosting your immune system, certain foods can work wonders for your health.

One type of food that has gained a lot of attention lately for its immune-boosting properties is mushrooms. With over 14,000 different species of mushrooms, there are a lot of options to choose from. In this article, we'll highlight some of the amazing mushrooms that can help boost your immunity.

What makes mushrooms so beneficial for our immune system?

Before we dive into specific types of mushrooms, let's first understand why they are potentially beneficial for our immune system. Mushrooms contain beta-glucans, which are a type of polysaccharide that helps activate the immune system. Beta-glucans work by binding to immune cells, which then triggers a cascade of events that leads to increased immune activity.

Additionally, mushrooms contain other immune-boosting compounds such as ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage, and selenium, a mineral that is essential for immune function.

Mushrooms that can help support your immune system

Shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are one of the most popular mushrooms and have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. They contain beta-glucans, which have been shown to enhance the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells. Shiitake mushrooms also contain lentinan, a type of polysaccharide that has been shown to improve the immune response to cancer.

Reishi mushrooms

Reishi mushrooms are another type of mushroom that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. They contain beta-glucans and other immune-boosting compounds such as triterpenoids and polysaccharides. Reishi mushrooms have been shown to improve immune function by increasing the production of white blood cells and enhancing the activity of natural killer cells.

Turkey tail mushrooms

Turkey tail mushrooms are named for their distinctive shape and color, which resemble a turkey's tail. They contain polysaccharides such as PSP and PSK, which have been shown to stimulate the immune system and improve immune function. Turkey tail mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat various illnesses, including cancer.

Maitake mushrooms

Maitake mushrooms, also known as "hen of the woods," are another type of mushroom that has been shown to have immune-boosting properties. They contain beta-glucans and other immune-boosting compounds such as ergothioneine and selenium. Maitake mushrooms have been shown to improve immune function by increasing the production of white blood cells and enhancing the activity of natural killer cells.

Lion's mane mushrooms

Lion's mane mushrooms are a type of mushroom that have gained popularity in recent years due to their potential brain-boosting properties. However, they also contain beta-glucans and other immune-boosting compounds such as ergothioneine and polysaccharides. Lion's mane mushrooms have been shown to improve immune function by increasing the production of white blood cells and enhancing the activity of natural killer cells.

How to incorporate mushrooms into your diet

Now that we've highlighted some of the amazing mushrooms that can help boost your immunity, you may be wondering how to incorporate them into your diet. Here are some tips:

  • Add mushrooms to your soups and stews: Mushrooms are a great addition to soups and stews and can add flavor and nutrients.
  • Make a mushroom stir-fry: Stir-frying mushrooms with other vegetables is a quick and easy way to incorporate them into your diet.
  • Use mushrooms as a meat substitute: Mushrooms have a meaty texture and can be used as a substitute for meat in dishes such as tacos or stir-fries. Some mushrooms can even be cooked and enjoyed like steaks!

If you don't enjoy the taste of mushrooms, you can also take mushroom supplements. Mushroom supplements are available in various forms such as powders, capsules, and tinctures. They contain concentrated amounts of the beneficial compounds found in mushrooms and can be a convenient way to boost your immune system.

                                                 immunity medicinal mushroom blend

Raw Revelations makes it easier to consume immune-boosting mushrooms!

Immunity Matrix is one of our immunity medicinal mushroom blend powders. Here at Raw Revelations, we’ve spent years studying and researching tonic herbs, mushrooms, and other superfoods to find out which ones can provide optimum support for your immune system.

Our immunity medicinal mushroom blend powder contains chaga mushrooms, reishi mushrooms, turkey tail mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, cordyceps mushrooms, lion’s mane mushrooms, and maitake mushrooms. To this powerful combination, we’ve added vitamin C-rich ingredients such as goji berry, freeze-dried acerola cherry, and camu camu berry. Additionally, Immunity Matrix contains beneficial tonic herbs, including full spectrum holy basil, full spectrum ginger, and shilajit.

The best thing about our immunity medicinal mushroom blend powder is that it can be easily mixed into your favorite hot or cold beverages. Our customers love having it with their morning coffee, or adding it to their daily smoothies. It’s the best way to take advantage of all of the immune-boosting powers of these medicinal mushrooms!