A Crash Course on Zinc Glycinate

Posted by Raw Revelations on Mar 8th 2022

A Crash Course on Zinc Glycinate

Among some of those interested in superfoods and natural, holistic ingredients, there is a sentiment that “If I can’t pronounce it, it’s not healthy.”

There is a shred of merit to this. “Potassium bromate,” and “Butylated hydroxyanisole” are certainly not easy to pronounce and often make lists of “top ten additives to avoid.”

But this misses the mark a little bit. Anyone who espouses that philosophy would be quick to gloss over a thousand and one scientific names, like “Myrciaria dubia” (Camu Camu) or “Sambucus.” (Elderberry species) both of which sound like tongue twisters but are not only harmless, but beneficial, recognized superfoods that are used in everything from teas to yogurts to smoothies.

Case in point: a word’s complexity does not make it a bad guy. Consider zinc glycinate, which has a scary, even synthetic-sounding name, but which is a superstar ingredient in our Camu Plus Immune Boosting Blend.

But what is it, and why have we included it? Here’s a high-level view of everything you need to know.

What Is Zinc Glycinate?
Zinc is an essential nutrient, a naturally occurring chemical element that your body can’t produce or effectively store. It is vital to a litany of several biological functions, including immune function, protein and DNA synthesis, gene expression, healing, growth, and much, much more. It, like all other essential nutrients, must be supplied by a healthy diet in order to promote overall health.

But, much like other essential nutrients like copper and iron, it’s not eaten in its native, metallic form. Instead, we take compounds of zinc, known as bioavailable compounds, that occur naturally in foods and which our bodies can absorb, deconstruct, and re-use to support the above listed (and other) biologically processes.

Zinc glycinate is one such bioavailable compound of zinc, consisting of zinc and glycine, an essential amino acid, in fact, the smallest of the essential amino acids.

Though glycine is not an element, (it is a compound consisting of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen) it is still an essential nutrient. Glycine can be produced by the body naturally, but it also occurs in many high protein foods like meat, fish, and certain legumes.

Glycine, like zinc, is vital to human health. For instance, glycine is used by the human body to produce a naturally occurring antioxidant known as glutathione, which can be used to neutralize free radicals that are harmful to cell health; this antioxidant helps diminish oxidative stress and damage to genetic material, doing its small part to slow down the body’s natural aging processes.

Together, zinc and glycine form zinc glycinate, a bioavailable form of each that can be more easily absorbed through the digestive tract and disseminated into the bloodstream. The compound furnishes both essential nutrients and improves absorption and bioavailability to support the function of many organs and systems within the body.

Why Do People Take Zinc Glycinate?
The reasons why people need zinc and the amino acid glycinate in their diets are abundantly clear, but why zinc glycinate, specifically, when glycine can be produced by the body and zinc occurs naturally in so many foods?

There are a few good reasons why Zinc glycinate is a popular zinc supplement, in addition to those mentioned above.

One is that zinc glycinate can be absorbed relatively easily into the body. Some mineral supplements - those of zinc included - can be tougher on the stomach. Some individuals are sensitive to certain zinc supplements that can cause gastric discomfort. Zinc glycinate, by contrast, is much more easily absorbed and much less likely to cause discomfort.

Another bonus to zinc glycinate is that the amino acid glycine to which the zinc is bonded can be more easily absorbed without the need for chemical deconstruction. Some complex or “large” (literally) nutrients must be chemically broken down before they can be absorbed, which requires energy. This is not the case with the glycine in zinc glycinate.

Zinc and Immune Health
Zinc is involved in too many biological processes to neatly or succinctly summarize them here, but one of the main reasons that zinc supplements are popular is for the role it is believed to play in immune health - we will offer a short overview here.

Primarily, zinc is vital to cell immune function and cell signaling. Zinc deficiencies can significantly hamper cell signaling, which can in turn slow down the body’s overall immune response. A slower immune response predisposes the body to infection and sickness.

Because zinc is also implicated in wound healing, its role in supporting immune health is bolstered. Specifically, zinc is vital to the production of collagen and to the body’s inflammation response. Accelerating healing helps to mitigate the body’s risk of invasion by infectious agents, and a timely inflammation response both, together, help protect the individual against infection.

Zinc GlycinateWhat Sorts of Wellness Products Contain Zinc Glycinate?

There are a wide range of supplements that contain zinc compounds, like zinc glycinate. Here at Raw Revelations, for example, our Camu Plus Vitamin C Immune Boosting Blend contains a healthy dose of it.

Zinc glycinate is far from the only banner ingredient in this blend. Rather, it contains a rich balance of Camu Camu, elderberry and amla berry extracts, and acerola cherry juice.

Camu, which is rich in vitamin C, provides nutritional support for a wide range of organs and systems, including the heart, brain, lungs, and lymphatic system. It also supports the formation of leukocytes (white blood cells) to bolster a healthy immune response.

Elderberry contains immune-activating anthocyanins and amla berry extract is rich in vitamin C which further supports immune function; it is also full of antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals present in the body.

Overall, this blend may not only support immune health but also a wide range of other systems in the body and tissues. It may potentially support skin and eye health, reproductive health, metabolism, digestion, and more.

To learn more about zinc glycinate’s role in this proprietary immune-boosting blend, please consult the link above or get in touch with us directly at